Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Lightning Thief

7. You have been granted one magical item of your choice. What would this item be,
and what power would it have? Well I would ask for Magic Powers like a witch, then I would use my Magic Powers to fly, cast spells, and have a bunch of fun.

5. Do you believe in anything that science can’t prove -- such as magic, or ghosts, or
creatures like the Loch Ness monster? Of course what's a kid that has no belief I'll tell 'ya there a dud a plan old dud a kids life needs to be exciting.

3. In Ancient times, the Greeks had gods for many important forces in their lives --
the sea, thunderstorms, farming, music, medicine, poetry, archery, etc. Why do
you think they imagined many different gods rather than just one would it make life more confusing or less confusing? I say it's more confusing because you have to remember there name, what they do, and what ceremony they like.

4. Young children often imagine that their parents aren’t really their parents. What
would it be like if you suddenly found out that you had a “real” father or mother
you never knew about? What if this person was extremely rich and powerful –
would you accept them as a parent? Course not, the one that took you in should be the one that has a place in your heart, not the one that dumped you on there door step.

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